Forgot bit locker pin, forgot bit locker recovery key, 5 Easy ways to fix

 Did you forgot your bit locker pin and recovery key. Try these methods, I hop it help you. 1. When you see this screen, Press "Esc" key in your keyboard for more recovery option. It will say preparing BitLocker recovery, You will see the screen bellow in few minute. Here we will click on "Skip the drive", You will see the screen bellow. Here you need to Turn off your PC, and then enter the BIOS of your PC. In order to enter BIOS, check for your PC brand and model and search on google, how to enter BIOS for your particular brand and model of your PC. Search for "Secure Boot" Enable it and check it, if it works for you. If it do not work, come back to same place and Disable "Secure Boot" and try again, see if it work for you. 2. If the above method do not work for you, try resetting your PC, You can choose any of the two option for resetting your PC, "Keep my files" or "Remove everything" whichever works for you. 3. If the abov...

What is Python Syntax and how to use?

Python syntax refers to the set of rules and structure that defines how a Python program is written and interpreted. Understanding Python syntax is essential to writing code that the Python interpreter can execute. Below is an overview of Python syntax and how to use it:

### 1. **Basic Syntax**

   - **Case Sensitivity**: Python is case-sensitive, so `Variable` and `variable` are considered different.

   - **Indentation**: Indentation is used to define blocks of code. Python uses indentation (usually four spaces or a tab) to indicate a block of code, such as in loops, conditionals, and function definitions. For example:


     if condition:

         # Indented block

         print("Condition is true")


   - **Comments**: Comments are lines that Python ignores, used for annotations. Single-line comments start with `#`:


     # This is a comment

     print("Hello, World!")  # This prints Hello, World!


   - **Multi-line Comments**: Use triple quotes (`'''` or `"""`) for multi-line comments:



     This is a

     multi-line comment.



### 2. **Variables and Data Types**

   - **Variable Assignment**: Variables do not need explicit declaration to reserve memory space. The assignment happens automatically when a value is assigned to a variable.


     x = 5

     name = "Alice"


   - **Data Types**: Python has several built-in data types such as:

     - `int` (integer): `x = 5`

     - `float` (floating-point number): `y = 3.14`

     - `str` (string): `name = "Alice"`

     - `bool` (boolean): `is_true = True`

     - `list`: `numbers = [1, 2, 3]`

     - `dict`: `student = {"name": "Alice", "age": 25}`

### 3. **Operators**

   - **Arithmetic Operators**: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, `%`, `**` (exponentiation), `//` (floor division).


     result = 10 + 5  # 15


   - **Comparison Operators**: `==`, `!=`, `>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`.


     is_equal = (10 == 10)  # True


   - **Logical Operators**: `and`, `or`, `not`.


     result = (10 > 5) and (5 < 10)  # True


   - **Assignment Operators**: `=`, `+=`, `-=`, `*=`, `/=`, etc.


     x = 5

     x += 3  # x is now 8


### 4. **Control Flow**

   - **If Statements**: Used to make decisions.


     if condition:

         # code block

     elif another_condition:

         # another block


         # else block


   - **For Loops**: Used to iterate over a sequence (like a list, tuple, dictionary, set, or string).


     for i in range(5):



   - **While Loops**: Used to execute a set of statements as long as a condition is true.


     while condition:

         # code block


### 5. **Functions**

   - **Defining a Function**: Use the `def` keyword.


     def my_function():

         print("Hello from a function")


   - **Calling a Function**:




   - **Function Parameters**:


     def greet(name):

         print(f"Hello, {name}")



   - **Return Statement**: Use `return` to return a value from a function.


     def add(a, b):

         return a + b

     result = add(5, 3)


### 6. **Data Structures**

   - **Lists**: Ordered, mutable collection of items.


     fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]


   - **Tuples**: Ordered, immutable collection of items.


     colors = ("red", "green", "blue")


   - **Dictionaries**: Unordered collection of key-value pairs.


     student = {"name": "Alice", "age": 25}


   - **Sets**: Unordered collection of unique items.


     unique_numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4}


### 7. **Modules and Libraries**

   - **Importing Modules**: Use `import` to include modules.


     import math



   - **From Import**: Import specific functions or variables from a module.


     from math import sqrt



### 8. **File Handling**

   - **Opening and Closing Files**:


     file = open("example.txt", "r")

     content =



   - **With Statement**: Automatically closes the file.


     with open("example.txt", "r") as file:

         content =


### 9. **Error Handling**

   - **Try-Except Block**: Used to handle exceptions.



         result = 10 / 0

     except ZeroDivisionError:

         print("Cannot divide by zero")


### 10. **Classes and Objects**

   - **Defining a Class**:


     class Dog:

         def __init__(self, name, breed):

    = name

             self.breed = breed

         def bark(self):

             print(f"{} says woof!")

     my_dog = Dog("Buddy", "Golden Retriever")



### Conclusion

Python syntax is designed to be readable and intuitive, making it easier for beginners to start coding. By understanding and applying the basic syntax rules, you can write effective Python code for various applications.