
Showing posts from August, 2022

Forgot bit locker pin, forgot bit locker recovery key, 5 Easy ways to fix

 Did you forgot your bit locker pin and recovery key. Try these methods, I hop it help you. 1. When you see this screen, Press "Esc" key in your keyboard for more recovery option. It will say preparing BitLocker recovery, You will see the screen bellow in few minute. Here we will click on "Skip the drive", You will see the screen bellow. Here you need to Turn off your PC, and then enter the BIOS of your PC. In order to enter BIOS, check for your PC brand and model and search on google, how to enter BIOS for your particular brand and model of your PC. Search for "Secure Boot" Enable it and check it, if it works for you. If it do not work, come back to same place and Disable "Secure Boot" and try again, see if it work for you. 2. If the above method do not work for you, try resetting your PC, You can choose any of the two option for resetting your PC, "Keep my files" or "Remove everything" whichever works for you. 3. If the abov...

How to unhide hidden hard disk partition in your computer

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key C:\WINDOWS\system32>diskpart DISKPART> list volume - when you type “list volume” and press enter you will get the result as below: Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info ---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- -------- * Volume 0 New Volume NTFS Partition 246 GB Healthy Volume 1 F New Volume NTFS Partition 219 GB Healthy Volume 2 NTFS Partition 100 MB Healthy System Volume 3 C NTFS Partition 48 GB Healthy Boot Volume 4 D Work Folder NTFS Partition 100 GB Healthy Volume 5 G Seagate Exp NTFS Partition 465 GB Healthy Note: Let’s say I want to unhide hard disk drive E:, one that I hided above; its “Volume 0”; you can see * (asterisk) in volume 0; it is hidden; follow the command below DISKP...

How to hide hard disk partition in your computer

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key C:\WINDOWS\system32>diskpart DISKPART> list volume - when you type “list volume” and press enter you will get the result as below: Volume ### Ltr Label Fs Type Size Status Info ---------- --- ----------- ----- ---------- ------- --------- -------- Volume 0 E New Volume NTFS Partition 246 GB Healthy Volume 1 F New Volume NTFS Partition 219 GB Healthy Volume 2 NTFS Partition 100 MB Healthy System Volume 3 C NTFS Partition 48 GB Healthy Boot Volume 4 D Work Folder NTFS Partition 100 GB Healthy Volume 5 G Seagate Exp NTFS Partition 465 GB Healthy Note: Let’s say I want to hide hard disk drive E:, you can see on left of E:, its “Volume 0”; you can select any volume you want to hide. DISKPART> select volume 0 Volume 0 is t...

How to list volume in diskpart

- If you are in diskpart terminal DISKPART> - In order to list volume; type command bellow and press enter key list volume Example: DISKPART> list volume

How to get help with diskpart commands

- If you are in diskpart terminal; terminal look like below: DISKPART> - In order to get help; type command bellow and press enter key help Example: DISKPART>help

List of diskpart terminal commands

- Each diskpart terminal commands has different function ACTIVE Mark the selected partition as active. ADD Add a mirror to a simple volume. ASSIGN Assign a drive letter or mount point to the selected volume. ATTRIBUTES Manipulate volume or disk attributes. ATTACH Attaches a virtual disk file. AUTOMOUNT Enable and disable automatic mounting of basic volumes. BREAK Break a mirror set. CLEAN Clear the configuration information, or all information, off the disk. COMPACT Attempts to reduce the physical size of the file. CONVERT Convert between different disk formats. CREATE Create a volume, partition or virtual disk. DELETE Delete an object. DETAIL Provide details about an object. DETACH Detaches a virtual disk file. EXIT Exit DiskPart. EXTEND Extend a volume. EXPAND Expands the maximum size available on a virtual disk. FILESYSTEMS Display current and supported file systems on the...

How to get back to c: terminal from diskpart terminal

- If you are in diskpart terminal; terminal look like below: DISKPART> - In order to get back to c: terminal; press “CTRL+C” together in keyboard Example: DISKPART> -After pressing “CTRL+C” together in keyboard C:\WINDOWS\system32>

How to open diskpart terminal

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key diskpart Example: C:\WINDOWS\system32>diskpart DISKPART>

How to get help with ftp (file transfer protocol) terminal commands

- If you are in ftp prompt; your terminal look like below: ftp> - In order to get help; type any one of the commands bellow in ftp terminal and press enter key help or ? Example: ftp>help or ftp>?

List of ftp (file transfer protocol) prompt commands

- Each commands has different function; before you use these commands; make sure that you are connected to ftp (file transfer protocol). ! delete literal prompt send ? debug ls put status append dir mdelete pwd trace ascii disconnect mdir quit type bell get mget quote user binary glob mkdir recv verbose bye hash mls remotehelp cd help mput rename close lcd open rmdir

How to get back from ftp (file transfer protocol) prompt

- If you are in ftp prompt; your terminal look like below: ftp> - In order to get back to c: terminal; type the command below and press enter key ! Or bye Example: ftp> ! C:\WINDOWS\system32>

How to open ftp (file transfer protocol) prompt

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key ftp Example: C:\WINDOWS\system32>ftp ftp>

How to test a network connection

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key; command below will give you list of ping commands for testing network connection C:\WINDOWS\system32>ping Note: when you type ping and enter key; you will get the list of options that you can use with ping commands, see the option below: Usage: ping [-t] [-a] [-n count] [-l size] [-f] [-i TTL] [-v TOS] [-r count] [-s count] [[-j host-list] | [-k host-list]] [-w timeout] [-R] [-S srcaddr] [-c compartment] [-p] [-4] [-6] target_name Note: Everything in after ping command; inside bracket are the options; every options has different function; you can choose according to your needs. - You can see the list of option and their function below: -t Ping the specified host until stopped. To see statistics and continue - type Control + Break in keyboard To stop - type Control + C in keyboard -a Resolve addresses to hostnames -n coun...

How to manage the network resource

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key; these command below will give you list of net commands to manage network resource net help or net - You will get the list of commands below: NET ACCOUNTS NET HELPMSG NET STATISTICS NET COMPUTER NET LOCALGROUP NET STOP NET CONFIG NET PAUSE NET TIME NET CONTINUE NET SESSION NET USE NET FILE NET SHARE NET USER NET GROUP NET START NET VIEW NET HELP NET HELP NAMES explains different types of names in NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP SERVICES lists some of the services you can start. NET HELP SYNTAX explains how to read NET HELP syntax lines. NET HELP command | MORE displays Help one screen at a time. - For Further help with respect to each specific commands above; open the commands prompt as an administrator; and type the commands as below: NET command /HELP For Example: C:\WINDOWS\system32>net accounts /help - Type all the above commands as example shown a...

How to start net services


How to check the list of net windows net service that are started

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key net start

How to open windows installer

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key msiexec

How to create .cab files; how to compress files to decrease the size

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; use the command below as shown in example and press enter key Makecab Example: H:\>makecab Untitled.png /l h: H:\> is the drive; where files are located; if files you want to compress located in different drive or folder; change the drive first “makecab” is the commands; “Untitled.png” is the file name I want to compress “” is the name of compressed file “/lh:” /l and h: is the drive or location where I want to save compressed or .cab files

How to log off your computer

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key logoff

How to edit disk level or drive name with the help of cmd

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key label Note: if the command prompt terminal look like C:\WINDOWS\system32>;you can change the label of c drive. If you want to change label of some other drive; change drive first in cmd terminal; then after type the commands above. Type drive name and: then after; press enter key to change drive For Example: C:\WINDOWS\system32> h: H:\>label

How to display the host name in your computer

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key hostname

How to display the MAC Address

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key getmac

How to know the file extension

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key ftype Note: if the command prompt terminal look like C:\WINDOWS\system32>; it will show you the file list and extension of c drive. If you want extension of files in some other drive; change drive first in cmd terminal and then after type the commands above. Type drive name and: then after; press enter key to change drive. For Example: C:\WINDOWS\system32>h: H:\>ftype

How to open File Explorer

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key Explorer

Displaying messages on screen with the help of cmd

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; as soon as you open the command prompt as an administrator; you will see terminal as below: C:\WINDOWS\system32> This means echo is on; if you do not like displaying this message in terminal; type the following command and press enter key. echo off now you will see complete black screen; you can type several command and operate it. - If you want to see terminal message like C:\WINDOWS\system32>; type the following command press enter key in black screen. echo on

How to delete files and folder using cmd

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the command below and press enter key H:\>del new del is a command and new is folder inside h drive I want to delete; it will ask you for permission as Y or N; if you want to delete; type Y and press enter key H:\new\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? H:\new\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? y

How to convert sd card / pen drive from FAT to NTFS and Vice-Versa

- Open the command prompt as an administrator; type the following commands and press enter key convert h: /fs:ntfs To convert "h:" drive to NTFS; once drive is already NTFS; you cannot convert it to FAT file system

CMD command to change color

color - See the procedure and example below; how to use color command - Before you proceed open command prompt (CMD) as an Administrator COLOR [attr] attr - Specifies color attribute of console output - Color attributes are specified by TWO hex digits; the first corresponds to the background; the second the foreground. Each digit can be any of the following values: 0 = Black 1 = Blue 2 = Green 3 = Aqua 4 = Red 5 = Purple 6 = Yellow 7 = White 8 = Gray 9 = Light Blue A = Light Green B = Light Aqua C = Light Red D = Light Purple E = Light Yellow F = Bright White - If no argument is given, for example: "color" this command restores the color to what it was when CMD.EXE started. - The COLOR command sets ERRORLEVEL to 1 if an attempt is made to executethe COLOR command with a foreground and background color that are thesame. Example: "COLOR ff" results no change in foreground or back ground color - Correct way to use; see example bellow E...

CMD command to manage a stored username and password


how to Open Windows Boot Manager using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter bcdedit

how to Open File Explorer or Windows Explorer using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter explorer

how to Open Display Properties using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter utilman

how to Open Telnet inside a command prompt using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter telnet Note: Type ?/help to get further help with several Telnet commands

how to Open Task Manager using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter taskmgr

how to Open System Properties using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter sysdm.cpl

how to Open System Information using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter msinfo32

how to Open System Configuration using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter msconfig

how to Open SQL Server Client Network Utility using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter cliconfg

how to Open Sound and Audio using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter mmsys.cpl

how to Shut Down computer using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter shutdown

how to open Shared Folders using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter fsmgmt.msc

how to open Services using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter services.msc

how to open Security and Maintenance using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter wscui.cpl

how to open Task Scheduler using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter control schedtasks

how to open Resultant Set of Policy using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter rsop.msc

how to open Remote Desktop Connection using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter mstsc

how to open Remote Access Phonebook using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter rasphone

how to open Registry Editor using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter regedit

how to open Region, Location and Formats using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter intl.cpl

how to open Devices and Printers using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter control printers

how to open Power Options using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter powercfg.cpl

how to open Phone Dialer using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter dialer

how to open Location Information using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter telephon.cpl

how to open Performance Monitor using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter perfmon.msc or perfmon

how to open On-Screen Keyboard using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter osk

how to open Notepad using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter notepad

how to open Network Connection using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter control netconnections or ncpa.cpl

how to open Mouse Properties using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter control mouse or main.cpl

how to open Sync Center using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter mobsync

how to open Paint using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter mspaint

how to Log off computer using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter logoff

how to open Malicious Software Removal Tool using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter mrt

how to open Local user and group using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter lusrmgr.msc

how to open Local Security Policy using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter secpol.msc

how to open Keyboard Properties using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter control keyboard

how to open Internet Properties using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter inetcpl.cpl

how to open IExpress Wizard using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter iexpress

how to open Local Group Policy Editor using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter gpedit.msc

how to open Fonts using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter control fonts

how to open File Explorer Options using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter control folders

how to open File Signature Verification using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter sigverif

how to open Event Viewer using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter eventvwr.msc

how to open Driver Verifier Manager using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter verifier

how to open Display settings using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter desk.cpl

how to open Background settings using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. control desktop

how to get inside Diskpart using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. diskpart Note: if you want to get out of Diskpart, Type Exit and press Enter.

how to open Disk Management using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. diskmgmt.msc

how to open Disk Cleanup Utility using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. cleanmgr

how to open DirectX Diagnostic Tool and check if your driver are digitally signed using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. dxdiag

how to open Device Manager using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. devmgmt.msc

how to open Time and Date using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. timedate.cpl

how to open Control Panel using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. control

how to open Computer Management using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. compmgmt.msc

how to open component services using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. dcomcnfg

how to Check Disk Utility using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. chkdsk

how to open Character Map using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. charmap

how to open certmgr (Certificates) using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. certmgr.msc

how to open Calculator using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. calc

how to open Bluetooth File Transfer using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter fsquirt

how to open Programs and Features using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. appwiz.cpl

how to open device manager using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. hdwwiz.cpl

how to open Administrative Tools using cmd

- Open command prompt as an administrator, Type the following commands and press enter. control admintools

Important Useful Commands Prompt Commands, CMD

How to use the commands listed below; in command prompt? -At first you have to type the commands in Command Prompt Terminal; then after press an Enter key in keyboard Note: Most of the commands work when you open cmd as a User; some time if any commands do not work: try to open cmd as an Administrator and try those commands. -Bellow is the list of command and their functions below each command help For more information on a specific command, type HELP command-name ASSOC Displays or modifies file extension associations. ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes. BREAK Sets or clears extended CTRL+C checking. BCDEDIT Sets properties in boot database to control boot loading. CACLS Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files. CALL Calls one batch program from another. CD Displays the name of or changes the current directory. CHCP Displays or sets the active code page number. CHDIR Displays the name of or changes the current directory. CHK...

how to encrypt and decrypt files and folder using cmd

- use the following command in order to encrypt and decrypt files and folder using cmd. - To encrypt type the command bellow and press enter. cipher /E - To decrypt type the command bellow and press enter. cipher /D Note: before you start, you can change directory in command prompt using cd command. If command prompt is like c:\>, then you can get inside folder where you want to use above commands, so type cd users to get inside user folder c:\users> and so on, type cd.. To get one step back in command prompt, let's say you are in c:\users>, if you type will get back to c:\> and so on - You can also use /S, /I or /F after /E or /D above. /S is for encrypting and decrypting all the folder, sub folders and files inside it selectively. /I is for encrypting and decrypting even if any kinds of error occurs. /F is for Force encryption and decryption.

how to lunch an application from command prompt

- Open the command prompt as an administrator and Type the following command and press enter key mspaint.exe Note: Type the proper executable program as shown above as an example for paint; every program has program_ name.exe, check in your computer in c drive, you can search for file with .exe extension in search bar when you open c drive.

how to delete files and folder in cmd

- Type the following command and press enter key - To delete files del fat.txt - To delete folder RD mas Note: mas is a folder name Note: some time files and folders are hidden so if necessary try adding \h after command or at the end. - If you want to delete all the files with particular extension, see bellow, you can change extension like .doc, .txt and many more. del *.doc - If you want to delete all the files that begin with word test, check bellow, you can use word of your own, you want to delete. deltest*.* - If you want to delete all the files from selected directory del *.* Note: before you start, you can change directory in command prompt using cd command. If command prompt is like c:\>, then you can get inside folder where you want to use above commands, so type cd users to get inside user folder c:\users> and so on, type cd.. To get one step back in command prompt, let's say you are in c:\users>, if you type will get back to c:\> an...

how to copy the files and folder in cmd

- Type the following command and press enter key - copy the file from 1 folder to another folder in same drive copy Original_location\filename.extension Newlocation\filename.extension copy D:\cat\help.txt D:\sat\help.txt Note: copy is command to copy, D:\cat\help.txt is original location of file in computer (inside d drive, inside cat folder, file name help.txt), D:\sat\help.txt is new location of file after copy (inside d drive, inside sat folder, file name help.txt). - Even you can copy same file in same directory by changing file name or extension, see example bellow: copy D:\show.txt D:\show.doc - Let's say you have many folders and files inside 1 folder and you want to copy from 1 location to another location. Follow the command bellow and press enter. xcopy /s /i D:\matE:\mat Note: xcopy is command to copy, /s is to copy all the files and folder, /i will create a new folder if the destination folder doesn't exist and will copy all the files, D:\mat is the origi...

how to rename files and folder in cmd

- Type the following command and press enter key ren old_folder_name new_folder_name ren music songs - For renaming files ren oldfilename.extension newfilename.extension ren pic.jpg nic.jpg - Music is old name for folder and songs new name for folder. Note: Make sure you change the directory in command prompt to the location of your folder before you type commands to change folder name.

how to change the directory in command prompt

- Type the following command and press enter key C:\> cd users - When you type cd users, you will get inside user directory, it look like c:\users>, follow the same steps to change and get inside different directory, you can type cd.. to get back, i.e. out of 1 directory.

how to create a new folder using cmd

- Type the following commands mkdir New Folder Note: New Folder is the name of folder, you can choose and name. If you see C:\> then folder will be created in c drive. If you see D:\> then folder will be created in d drive. You can change directory in command prompt, where ever you would like to create folder then after type commands to create folder. or mkdir d:\other - mkdir is make folder command, d:\ location where you would like to create folder, other is your folder name. you can follow the same procedure to create folder in any directory.

how to compare two files inside drive or folder

- let's say I have 2 text file help.txt and show.txt in d drive, I want to compare. - Open cmd as an administrator and type the following command: - At first type d: and press enter in order to get inside d drive, after then inside command prompt it should look like D:\> - Now type the command bellow to compare fc help.txt show.txt

how to hide and see folder and files using cmd

- Suppose I have one folder named apple in d drive, I want to hide - Open cmd as an administrator and type the following command: - At first type d: and press enter in order to get inside d drive, after then inside command prompt it should look like D:\> - Now type the command bellow to hide apple folder Attrib +h +s +r apple - Type the command bellow to see apple folder Attrib -h -s -r apple

how to get your windows ip configuration or Network details

- Open cmd as an administrator and type the following command: ipconfig

how to check all the default programs running

- Open cmd as an administrator and type the following command: assoc

how to check the ip address of any website

- Open cmd as an administrator and type the following commands nslookup nslookup

how to copy the commands and save it as txt file

- Type the following command. help>d:\help.txt Note: It will copy all the help commands and save it in d drive d:\ as help.txt (you can change drive and file name) -Example 2 xcopy /? >c:\file.txt Note: I have changed the command, drive and file name in above command, you can follow the same procedure to do for other different commands. The commands above will copy all the xcopy /? directory files to file.txt and save it in c:\ drive. - For windows 10 even you can select, copy and paste using key board shortcut like Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V

how to select any folder automatically inside drive

- suppose you are in c drive, so you will see command prompt as c:\>, Now you type cd and then after you want to select some folder from c drive, so you can press TAB key frequently to choose any folder you want to get inside in c drive like c:\>cd user (user is 1 folder inside c drive, press TAB continuously to choose another folder)

how to get help with half commands known

- Let's say you know half command and you forgot half, in order to get help, type your command in a format bellow: net/? dir/? Note: you just have to add /? after command for help

how to scan system files, check and fix problem

- Type the following command sfc /scannow

how to Fix WiFi internet connected but no internet access

- open the command prompt as an administrator, type the command bellow and press enter, finally restart your computer. netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt -if the problem is not solved, open the command prompt as an administrator again, type the command bellow in order and press enter after typing each commands, finally restart your computer. ipconfig /release ipconfig /all ipconfig /flushdns ipconfig /renew netsh int ip set dns netsh winsock reset netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

Keyboard Shortcut key and its function, you can use this shortcut key in command prompt

Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+Insert): You can Copy selected text. Ctrl+V (or Shift+Insert): You can Paste selected text. Ctrl+Backspace: if you typed 10 words in line in cmd, you can delete word by word with Ctrl+Backspace F1: You can paste the last used command character by character. F3: You can paste the recently used command. F6 or Ctrl+Z: if you have to type ^Z in command prompt you can press F6 F7: when you press F7, you will see the list of all executed command, you can select with up and down arrow key and execute again. F8: You can pastelastly used commands, keep on pressing and you will see 1 by 1, it will paste all last used commands. Shift+Left Arrow: Select text character by character in backward direction. Shift+Right Arrow: Select text character by character in forward direction. Shift+UP Arrow:Select text line by line in upward direction. Shift+Down Arrow:Select text line by line in downward direction. UP Arrow Key: To paste last used command in forward direction. D...

how to check the security key for hotspot in computer

- Type the following command NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork setting=security

how to check the currently hosted network in computer

- Type the following command NETSH WLAN show hostednetwork

how to change hotspot key or security

- Type the following command NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork key=Your_New_Key

how to change ssid or hotspot name

- Type the following command - NETSH WLAN set hostednetwork ssid=Your_New_SSID

how to create WiFi hotspot using command prompt

Step 1 -You have to enable following features: Allow other network users to connect through this computer’s internet connection - To Enable in Windows 10, press Windows key+X - Choose Network Connections - Choose Ethernet or WiFi - Click on change Adapter option on Right hand side - You will see your new adaptor with hotspot name - Right click on it and choose properties - Check the box to enable Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection Step 2 - Open the command prompt as an administrator. - Type the following command, type your own hotspot name for ssid and your own password for key netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=Your_hotspot_name key=your_password -In order to start hotspot, type following command netsh wlan start hostednetwork - In order to stop hotspot, type following command netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

how to change the Size, Font, Layout, color of the command prompt

- Right click on Top Title section of command prompt. - choose properties from the drop down menu. - There you can change the Size, Font, Layout, color of the command prompt

how to check your computer driver list

- Type the following command driverquery

how to Run multiple commands at a time

 how to Run multiple commands at a time - You need to type && in between each command, see example below: explorer && ipconfig && date && time

how to check the windows IP Configuration

how to check the windows IP Configuration - Type the following command ipconfig

how to check the list of all commands that you used in command prompt

how to check the list of all commands that you used in command prompt - Type the following command doskey /history

how to create recovery image in windows 8 (not possible in windows 10)

1. Create folder with name image in C: drives 2. Open command prompt as an Administrator 3. Type the command bellow and press enter recimg -CreateImage c:\image

how to create undeletable folder and unrenamable folder

1. You can create undeletable and unrenamable folder with these name: aux,con, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3, lpt4, lpt5, lpt6, lpt7, lpt8 and lpt9 2. Open the command prompt. 3. You cannot create in C: drive so you can choose other hard disk drive like D:, E: 4. Type D: and press enter 5. Type md aux\ and press enter 6. Type rd aux\ and press enter to delete folder if you ever wish to delete, you cannot delete normally by clicking on delete.

How to view Star WAR in ASCII code

1. Open Run, Shortcut key (windows key+R) 2. Type appwiz.cpl to open Add/Remove program 3. Click on Turn windows features on and off 4. Enable Telnet Client and TFTP Client 5. Open Command prompt as an Administrator 6. Type telnet and press enter 7. Type o and press enter 8. Type

How to find IP Address, Location, DNS of any internet Website

1. Visit the link Listed below: 2. Type the website URL for which you want to find IP Address, Location, DNS

How to remove directory or get back

1. Open the command prompt 2. Type cd.. To remove directory or get back

How to create a bootable USB flash drive

1. Insert your USB flash drive in to your computer. 2. Open the Command Prompt as an administrator. 3. Type diskpart on Command Prompt, press Enter Key and wait for few seconds. 4. Type list disk and press Enter. Note: You will see list of hard disk and flash drive connected to your computer, you need to select flash drive from list, and best way to recognize flash drive is to check the capacity of disk shown in list, one that match your flash drive capacity, select that one. 5. Type select disk 1 (Make sure your disk 1 is flash drive) and press Enter. 6. Type clean and press Enter to wipe out everything. 7. Type create partition primary and press Enter. 8. Type select partition 1 and press Enter. 9. Type format fs=ntfs quick and press Enter. Note: If your server platform supports Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI), you should format the USB flash drive as FAT32 rather than as NTFS. To format the partition as FAT32, Type format fs=fat32 quick, and then press ENTER. ...

How to delete temporary files

- Open the commands prompt as an Administrator - Type the commands bellow and press enter key after each commands rd /s /q %temp% mkdir %temp% rd /s /q c:\windows\temp\ mkdir c:\windows\temp\ Note: Type all the commands as soon as you turn on your PC for best working

How to open command prompt as an Administrator

- Type cmd or command prompt in the search box of your Task Bar to search - Select command prompt and Right click on it - choose Run as an Administrator - If any pop up message appears, click on OK - Now command prompt will open as an Administrator

How to open command prompt

 Method 1 - Go to start icon - Right Click on start icon - Choose Run - Type cmd - Click on OK Method 2 - Press and hold windows key and then press R key together in your keyboard to open Run - Type cmd - Click on OK Method 3 - Type cmd or command prompt in the search box of your Task Bar located at the bottom of windows - Select command prompt and click on it to open

How to find IP Address of any website

1. Open the command prompt 2. Type the commands bellow: Ping tracert