Things to know before admitting your kids to school

Here are few things that you must know or take care of before admitting your kids to school. If you are not taking care of these things, you might be putting you children to wrong school, risking life. Only irresponsible parents do this mistake who all do not love their children or one who are not serious about their children or one who are uneducated. So, let me guide you to few thins that you need to take care of before admitting your children to school. 1. See if school is registered to local registerer (respective government). 2. Check the classroom, bathroom, playground, kitchen, it needs to be clean. 3. Sit in the classroom for 5 to 10 min., see how they lecture children. 4. Check the school fee, other fee, transportation fee, see if you can afford. 5. Check the food they fed to children, how many times, they give food to children. 6. Check the school duration, start and end time, usually for children 4 to 8 hours, see for how long your student can sit in class. 7. Ask for holida...

What is Python PIP and how to use it?

### Python PIP: An Overview

**PIP** stands for **"Pip Installs Packages"** and is Python’s package manager. It allows you to install, update, and manage third-party libraries and packages in Python. Many Python libraries and frameworks are available via PIP, which makes it easy to extend Python’s capabilities by installing external packages.

### Common Uses of PIP

1. **Installing Packages**: Install any package from the Python Package Index (PyPI) or other repositories.

2. **Uninstalling Packages**: Remove installed packages when no longer needed.

3. **Upgrading Packages**: Update packages to their latest versions.

4. **Listing Installed Packages**: View packages currently installed in your environment.

5. **Checking for Outdated Packages**: Identify packages that need upgrading.

### How to Use PIP

#### 1. **Installing a Package**

The basic syntax for installing a package is:


pip install package_name




pip install requests


This command installs the **`requests`** library, which is commonly used for making HTTP requests.

#### 2. **Uninstalling a Package**

To uninstall a package, use:



pip uninstall package_name




pip uninstall requests


This will remove the **`requests`** library from your environment.

#### 3. **Upgrading a Package**

To upgrade a package to the latest version:


pip install --upgrade package_name




pip install --upgrade requests


This will upgrade the **`requests`** library to the most recent version.

#### 4. **Listing Installed Packages**

You can view all installed packages in your environment with:


pip list


This command will display the package name and version number of all installed packages.


#### 5. **Checking for Outdated Packages**

To see if any installed packages are outdated:


pip list --outdated


This command will show the packages that have newer versions available, along with the current version and the latest version.

#### 6. **Installing Specific Versions of Packages**

If you need to install a specific version of a package:


pip install package_name==version_number




pip install numpy==1.21.0


This command installs version **1.21.0** of the **`numpy`** package.

#### 7. **Installing from a Requirements File**

Many projects provide a `requirements.txt` file that lists all the dependencies needed. You can install all packages listed in the file with:


pip install -r requirements.txt


#### 8. **Generating a Requirements File**

You can create a `requirements.txt` file with all the packages and their versions that are currently installed in your environment:


pip freeze > requirements.txt


This command outputs a list of installed packages and their versions to a file, which is useful for sharing or recreating the same environment.

### How to Install PIP

PIP usually comes pre-installed with modern versions of Python (from Python 3.4 and later). You can check if PIP is installed by running:


pip --version


If PIP is not installed, you can install it by:

1. **Using the official installer:**

   - Download **``** from [here](

   - Run the installer using:




2. **Using a Package Manager (Linux/macOS)**:

   - For Ubuntu/Debian, you can install PIP with:


     sudo apt-get install python3-pip


   - For macOS, you can use **Homebrew**:


     brew install python


### Virtual Environments and PIP

It’s a good practice to use **virtual environments** to keep your dependencies isolated for different projects. You can create a virtual environment using **`venv`** or **`virtualenv`**, and use PIP to manage packages within that environment.

1. **Create a virtual environment**:


   python -m venv myenv


2. **Activate the virtual environment**:

   - On Windows:




   - On macOS/Linux:


     source myenv/bin/activate


3. **Use PIP in the virtual environment** to install packages, which will be isolated from your global environment.


4. **Deactivate the virtual environment**:




### PIP Commands Summary

Here’s a quick list of useful PIP commands:

- **Install a package**: `pip install package_name`

- **Uninstall a package**: `pip uninstall package_name`

- **Upgrade a package**: `pip install --upgrade package_name`

- **List installed packages**: `pip list`

- **Check for outdated packages**: `pip list --outdated`

- **Install from `requirements.txt`**: `pip install -r requirements.txt`

- **Generate `requirements.txt`**: `pip freeze > requirements.txt`

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