Top international payment gateway transaction fee comparison (2024)

There are lots of top international Payment gateway over the internet to get paid online. You must be confused which payment gateway to choose for receiving money from different market places and transfer to your own local bank account. Which payment gateway charge low fee for receiving money and low charge for transferring to local bank account. Bellow is the comparison in between Payoneer, Skrill and PayPal. Payment gateway Name Account & Card maintenance - charge Transfer in between same wallet - charge Transfer from wallet to local bank account - charge Receive from market place to wallet - charge 1.       Payoneer Annual account fee = 29.95 USD (If you have received less than 2,000.00 USD (or equivalent) in payments per Year)   Annual card fee: First card = 29.95 USD   Additional cards in any currency = Free FREE EUR, USD, GBP, and more SWIFT (wire) bank tra

How to Export Running Process Details in Excel File using PowerShell

In PowerShell, the Export-CSV command is used to export the output of a command or script to a CSV file. The CSV file format is a commonly used format for storing tabular data, which can then be opened in spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. The syntax for the Export-CSV command is as follows:

Export-Csv [-Path] <String> [-Delimiter <Char>] [-Encoding <String>] [-NoTypeInformation] [-Force] [-Append] [-InputObject <PSObject[]>] [<CommonParameters>]


  •  -Path: Specifies the path and file name of the CSV file to be created. This can be a local file path or a UNC path to a shared folder.
  • -Delimiter: Specifies the character to use as the delimiter between fields in the CSV file. The default is a comma (,), but other options include semicolon (;), tab (\t), or any other single character.
  • -Encoding: Specifies the character encoding to be used for the CSV file. The default is ASCII, but other options include Unicode, UTF8, UTF7, and UTF32.
  • -NoTypeInformation: Specifies that no type information should be included in the CSV file. By default, the first row of the CSV file includes the data type of each column.
  • -Force: Specifies that any existing file at the specified path should be overwritten without prompting for confirmation.
  • -Append: Specifies that the data should be appended to an existing CSV file rather than creating a new file.
  • -InputObject: Specifies the object or objects to be exported to the CSV file. This can be the output of a command, a variable, or any other object.

For example, to export the output of a command to a CSV file named "output.csv", the following command could be used: Get-Process | Export-Csv -Path "C:\output.csv"

How to export the output of a command to a CSV file named "output.csv", the following command could be used: Get-Process | Export-Csv -Path "C:\output.csv"

This would create a CSV file at the specified path containing information about all running processes on the system.

This would create a CSV file at the specified path containing information about all running processes on the system.

The CSV file shows all running processes with current time details and memory usages in one file. Note that, you need to run PowerShell as administrator to run the command.


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